RAFAŁ SANGOWSKI legal counsel /the owner of the law firm
tel. 61 / 842 74 47
e-mail: kancelaria@sangowski.pl
Rafal Sangowski is the owner and the head of the law firm. He graduated from Law and Administration Faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Since 1990 he has been supporting brokerage houses and insurance agencies. He is also the lecturer in courses for insurance agents and the co-author and editor of " Vademecum ubezpieczeń gospodarczych” (Handbook for business insurance) and a number of other publications related to the insurance law.
He has the insurance and reinsurance broker’s qualifications. He is the author of questions from the civil law field for the insurance brokers exam, as well as the author of policy conditions created at the request of insurance companies. Since completing the legal counsel apprenticeship in the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Poznan he has been running his own law firm. He is the delegate of Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Poznan for the National Congress of Legal Advisers. He has many years of experience in providing legal services to business, compensations matters and litigation. He speaks English.
He is the graduate of the Law and Administration Faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, and a legal counsel at the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Poznan (since 2012). He gained his work experience working in the local government administration and, later, employed as an judge’s assistant in the civil division of the district court. He has been working in the law firm since 2011. Additionally, since 2010 he has been the curator of the absent and the administrator of the estate in the courts in Wielkopolska.
His interests focus around the civil law (material and procedural). He has extensive experience in litigation and legal advising. His priorities are constant contact with clients and understanding their needs, as well as profound insight into each case.
Legal counsel at the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Poznan, graduate of Law and Administration in the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. She specializes in the business insurance issues, compensation claims and wide civil litigation. Her professional interests include medical and pharmaceutical law, intellectual property rights and tourism law. She has experience in providing services for insurance companies both on the damage liquidation’s and the court proceedings’ stages, as well as for insurance brokers, health care facilities, entrepreneurs and individuals. She also assists with negotiations and settlements.
Legal counsel apprentice at the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Poznan, graduate of Law and Administration in the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The winner of Kazimierz Kolańczyk’s award for the best master thesis in 2012 in the faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
Her interests include medical law, civil, commercial and bankruptcy law. She gained her professional experience working in law firms in Poznan providing services to entrepreneurs and individuals, as well as in the companies’ legal departments.